Remote Access

The HPC cluster can be accessed remotely using ssh protocol. Nestum cluster has one Linux based node fe001 configured as front-end with the hostname

*nix/MacOS users

Under *nix you can establish a terminal session using ssh client with password based authentication:

ssh -X

or as a backup you can use:

ssh -X
Windows OS
Windows 10 and below

Users can use ssh terminal clients such as putty or console emulator cmder. Often Windows users need to install additional software such as Xming in order to access the cluster via GUI.

Windows 11

Windows 11 includes and open ssh client by default, thus a terminal-only ssh session can be established by opening the new terminal app and typing:

ssh -X

To establish a graphical session/use X-forwarding you either need to use Xming, like in older windows versions, or use WSL 2.0 and follow the *nix instructions above.

Storage quotas

By default each user has a home folder /home/$GROUP/$USER with 5G user quota. In addition the user has a work folder /work/$GROUP/$USER with 500 GB group quota. It’s highly recommended to use the work folder for all production data.


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