New article published using HPC-lab resources

Dr. Ivan Hristov and Dr. Radoslava Hristova  have revisited the problem of Three-body periodic collisionless equal-mass free-fall orbits,using high-accuracy numerical methods and a high-performance computer (Nestum cluster, Sofia Tech Park, Bulgaria and have  found that(1) 15,738 i.c.s corresponding to 12,409 distinct solutions with T ∗ < 80. We use morerestrictive condition on the periods than Li and Liao: T < min(7, 80/|E|3/2).(2) When we apply time evolution of the (primary) i.c.s up to one half-period, we easily find8844 additional i.c.s., bringing the number of i.c.s up to 24,582. Some of the additionalorbits are ones that are missed by the search, but others are with T > 7 and T ∗ < 80.Therefore by applying this procedure we compensate to some extent that we use theless time consuming condition: T < min(7, 80/|E|3/2) instead of the ultimate one:T < 80/|E|3/2 . Now only 236 solutions (∼ 2%) are identified as self-dual, whichcontrast to the large number ∼ 43% of Li and Liao.(3) Certain partitioning of i.c.s within Agekyan–Anosova domain D, which are in agreementwith Tanikawa et al.’s division of D by 3-cylinders and 4-cylinders.(4) Distinct upper and lower bounds on the periods of orbits as (linear) functions of the length of symbolic sequence (word length)
The article published in the Springer  journal: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (2024) Is freely accessible

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