
Visit at the HPC laboratory

International group of researchers led by Dr. Reni Radkova, FMI, Sofia University visited the laboratory. A lecture on the research conveyed in the HPC lab was given to present the six modern fields in the focus of the HPC team and the users: quantum physics, quantum informatics, computational chemistry, econophysics, nanosized materials, meteorology and climate […]

Workshop 18-20 July 2022

Workshop on twinning and mentoring was organized by the EuroCC NCC Bulgaria.  HPC lab team is involved in the work of the National Centre of Competences in  HPC/HPDA/AI.

LUMI supercomputer

LUMI supercomputer is inaugurated today! It offers European researchers a world-class tool for understanding complicated phenomena, such as climate change. LUMI supercomputer Follow LUMI supercomputer on LinkedIn

Upcoming Course: Python Universe for HPC with examples

The head of the HPC Lab, Prof. Ana Proykova and the Lab team invite you to a free intensive HPC training, which will be held ONLINE on May 27th 2022, 10:00 – 18:00 (EEST). Here is more information about the course: https://hpc-portal.eu/node/1350 Title: Python Universe for HPC with examples: Setup, configuration, modules, preparing the code, running

Upcoming Hartree Centre HPC Courses

1. Practical Guide to High Performance Computing (HPC) Online course Tuesday, 17 May 2022 at 09:00 BST For Details and Registration:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/practical-guide-to-high-performance-computing-hpc-tickets-323088184457 2. How to Scale Up Your Company’s  Code Online course Thursday, 19 May 2022 at 09:00 BST For Details and Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-to-scale-up-your-companys-code-registration-314525473157 3. Performance Analysis for Hartree Centre Systems Online course Monday, 23 May 2022 at 09:00

PRACE Advanced HPC Workshop

Registration for the PRACE Advanced HPC Workshop is opened: https://events.prace-ri.eu/event/1365/ This special online advanced HPC track of courses consists of three separate training events on advanced HPC topics. The advanced track begins with the Message Passing Interface (MPI), the dominating programming model, continues with node level performance optimisation and finishes with hybrid programming. All the

Successful participation in the BonsAPPs AI challenge

Vasil, an Expert at HPC-lab, participated as an AI developer in BonsAPPs’ AI challenge as a part of the AICAD_SC  team. During this  challenge a so-called AI Asset was developed that can recognize a driver’s  gestures by using a single, cheap and low-resolution thermal camera. This asset was then optimized and deployed to low-power edge platforms

The team of the HPC laboratory participate in the project EUMaster4HPC (formerly HERCULES)

The project will be presented in at  The EuroHPC Summit Week 2022 (22 March 2022 – 24 March 2022, Paris France). https://eurohpc-ju.europa.eu/events/eurohpc-summit-week-2022 DAY 2 : WEDNESDAY 23 MARCH 2022 16h30- 18h00: Session: EUMaster4HPC, presentation of the new Master programme. Moderator: Daniel Opalka, Programme Officer R&I of the EuroHPC JU Format: short presentations+ panel discussion Pascal Bouvry, Coordinator of the

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