
The HPC laboratory team via the Sofia University is involved in the Project HERCULES

The HPC laboratory team via the Sofia University is involved in the Project HERCULES, Funder by the EuroHPC JU (Horizon 2020). The project aims at establishment  the first pan-European Master for High Performance Computing (HPC).   APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN! https://eumaster4hpc.uni.lu/news/applications-now-open/ As of 15 February 2022, students can apply to EUMaster4HPC, the first pan-European Master for High Performance […]

EUwomen4future campaign seminar

On International Women’s day, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel will co-host with President Roberta Metsola a celebratory event, in Strasbourg and online, with four prominent women, featured in the #EUWomen4future social media campaign and a recipient of the EU Prize for Women Innovators. This campaign, which ended in March 2021, put a spotlight women’s professional achievements in

Intel OneAPI toolchain now available on Nestum

(За български, четете надолу) On December 8, 2020 Intel Parallel Studio was superseded by the new Intel toolchain – oneAPI. Starting today, oneAPI (Basic + HPC toolkit) 2022 is available on the Nestum cluster and can be used by first loading the following module: module load intel/oneapi-2022 This will load all the necessary binaries and

EuroCC HPC Disruptive Technologies for Industry

An EuroCC workshop covering topics such as HPC technologies in the industry, GPGPU computing, high perfomance image processing and more will take place online on 7.03.2022 9:00 – 11:30 (CET). A preliminary agenda for the event can be found here: agenda Participation is free, but you should register in advence here: register

Интервю на проф. Пройкова, ръководител на ЛВПИ, за вестник “Дневник”

По-рано тази година списание “Форбс” публикува списък на “50 жени над 50-годишна възраст“, в който беше включена и проф. Пройкова, ръководител на ЛВПИ. Днес, 6.2.2022 г., беше публикувано и нейно интервю за известния български вестник “Дневник”: Проф. Ана Пройкова, физик: Липсата на достатъчно жени в инженерните дисциплини е сериозен проблем – Интервю – Дневник (dnevnik.bg) Статията на

Masters of Digital 2022

The Masters of Digital 2022 workshop, covering various topics from the fields of AI, data science, data security and more, will take place online on 3.02.2022 9:00 – 17:00 (CET) online. A detailed agenda for the event can be found here: agenda Participation is free, but you should register before the event here: register

Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication

The Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication OAI12 – The Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication will be held virtually from 6-10 September 2021. Participation is free, so make sure to join! Registration: https://oai.events/oai12/ Prof.Dr. Ana Proykova talk on the 10th of September 2021: Title: arXiv medium as a prerequisite of open access

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