
September HPC User Forum Event Registration

We are pleased to announce that registration is open for the September HPC User Forum event, to be presented virtually! Register by visiting the HPC User Forum website: https://www.hpcuserforum.com/ You may also register directly at: https://attendesource.com/profile/form/index.cfm?PKformID=0x123045abcd All members of the worldwide HPC community are invited to join the HPC User Forum and to attend the […]

Работна среща EuroCC-Bulgaria

Място: културен център “Морско казино”, Бургас, зала „Георги Баев” Дата: 16 юли 2021 време: 9:00 – 17:00 Националният център за компетентност EuroCC-България ще представи възможностите за подкрепа на ИКТ клъстерите в работата им с технологиите високопроизводителни изчисления/ високоефективен анализ на данни/ изкуствен интелект (HPC/HPDA/AI) в еднодневна работна среща. В отворени дискусии специалисти в посочените технологии

Отворен worshop на EUROCC-България (23.04.2021)

Линк за регистрация Регистрацията е отворена до 21.04.2021! Кратка информация: В рамките на проект EuroCC участващите страни ще създадат мрежа от европейски Национални центрове за компетентност (НЦК) в областта на високопроизводителните пресмятания (HPC), високопроизводителния анализ на данни (HPDA) и изкуствения интелект (AI), които ще координират дейностите в изброените области на национално ниво и ще служат

Prof. Proykova in WOMEN4FUTURE

Prof. Ana Proykova, the head of the HPC Lab now has a page on the European Commission’s WOMEN4FUTURE portal! You can check it out at the following adress: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/euwomen4future/ana-proykova

PRACE-ETP4HPC Workshop on HPC Education and Training for Industry Users

Event Date: 18th of March 2021, Online via Zoom, Europe/Brussels timezone HPC has been recognized as a strategic tool to increase European competitiveness in industry. This entails investment not only in infrastructure but also in skills development of the labour force, now and in preparation for future. While the provision of HPC education and training

New training event

On 15.02.2021, the HPC team members Prof. DSci Ana Proykova & Dr. Hristo Iliev will provide training on advanced HPC for advanced researchers, professors, and software developers within the framework of the scientific program of the Centre of excellence in ICT UNITe. You can learn more on the event’s facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/399424197950589/

Happy New Year

The HPC team wishes all of Nestum’s users a happy new year! Here’s to a year of great computing and fruitful results!

Updated Access Policies

Users can now get acquainted with our updated access policy file, found here (in Bulgarian). We urge you to read through the file and ask questions if any should arise. With respect, HPC Team

Resolved issue on cn024

As of now, the issue on cn024 has been resolved. All compute nodes are available for job submission. We apologise for the inconvenience, HPC Team.

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