
cn024 problem

cn004 is temporarily taken out of the queue due to a memory bank problem. We are working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience.

Sofia Tech Park – Labs Present Results from Research

HPC Lab and six other laboratories from the laboratory complex at Sofia Tech Park will present results from their projects, tomorrow, 29.10. The event will be streamed via Google Meets at the following address: https://meet.google.com/aqx-vyvr-sda?authuser=0 The event is scheduled to begin at 13:00h. Everyone interested is welcome to attend.

HPC course – second edition – 24 September 2020

За втора година екипът на Лабораторията по високопроизводителни изчисления организира  обучение, свързано с използване на клъстер за високопроизводителни пресмятания (HPC). Лектор ще бъде д-р Христо Илиев – експерт с голям опит в областта на Big Data и HPC (RWTH Aachen University, Germany 2011-2018; 2019-2020 Chief Data Scientist at holler.live, Amsterdam, Netherlands). Планираме интензивно обучение за един работен

Manifesto for EU COVID-19 Research

The Commission has launched a Manifesto today to maximise the accessibility of research results in the fight against Covid-19. The Manifesto provides guiding principles for beneficiaries of EU research grants for coronavirus prevention, testing, treatment and vaccination to ensure that their research results will be accessible for all and guarantee a return on public investment.

New paper citing Nestum (link)

A new publication in which the authors have cited Nestum has been published: Effect of larger pore size on the sorption properties of isoreticular metal‐organic frameworks with high number of open metal sites Pascal D. C. Dietzel, Peter A Georgiev, Morten Frøseth Rune E Johnsen, Helmer Fjellvåg, Richard Blom First published:19 May 2020 The authors

Second Coronavirus Call for an Expression of Interest (European Commission)

Dear Researchers, We would like to inform you that the second Coronavirus call for an Expression of Interest (H2020-SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2) is now open on the Funding & Tenders Portal. The links to the topics relevant to HPCL users are as follows: 1.SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2B – Medical technologies, Digital tools and Artificial Intelligence (AI) analytics to improve surveillance and

European Commission – Green Deal Online Event

The EU’s goal of being carbon neutral by 2050 is under threat. The Covid-19 outbreak has forced EU member states to suspend business-as-usual and to focus on the immediate crisis, with the consequence that medium to longer term investment planning and goals relating to decarbonisation face an uncertain future. You can register for the free

First Antibody Library Designed to Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic

Полезна информация при анализ на COVID-19 Useful information for COVID-19 analysis http://link.tr.news-proteogenix.com/m/view/200118/500135/Yy79VOVBz7axaZoSutmbMg==?actId=ebwp0YMB8s0w7cV7ziTLodUcvuQDVN7agmFTt2FsrXtaLVHBd9s9CcBY_Ws8VVcC&actCampaignType=CAMPAIGN_MAIL&actSource=500135

European Commission Online Learning Resources

From the European Commision website: The outbreak of COVID-19 in Europe and necessary national measures taken to tackle the spread of the virus may cause significant disruption to the provision of education, training and mobility opportunities for learners, teachers and educators across the European Union (EU). You can read, discover and use a variety of

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