
Upcoming Events

25 September 2019, 14:00 Кръгла маса: Перспективи пред развитието на иновациите в Лабораторния комплекс на София Тех Парк“ Програма на събитието Лабораторията по високопроизводителни изчисления ще бъде представена от Иво Илиев, докторант, с презентация на тема: „Лаборатория НРС предлага възможности и за индустрията в България“ 27 September, 2019 18:00 Researchers NIGHT Sofia Technology Park Научи […]

Power outage

Yesterday, 15.08.2019, at around 13:40 UTC an unexpected power outage has occurred at the laboratory complex at Sofia Tech Park, which hosts Nestum. Some of the compute nodes have been restarted and some job progress might have been lost. We have sent private e-mails to users whose jobs might have been affected and we apologise

SSH access, new address

–Scroll down for English Version– Здравейте потребители на Нестум, Пиша ви за да ви уведомя, че SSH достъпът до Нестум вече ще трябва да се усъществява на адрес hpc-lab.sofiatech.bg Старият адрес, nestum.phys.uni-sofia.bg, ще бъде активен още известно време преди да бъде закрит. Благодаря за отделеното внимание, HPC Team Greetings Nestum users, I am writing to

Обучение за достъп и работа с Високопроизводителни изчислителни системи

Click here for English version Лабораторията по високопроизводителни изчисления е асоцииран партньор (чрез СНИРД) в проекта BG05M2OP001-1.001-0004 (28.02.2018 – 31.12.2023) Изграждане и развитие на център за върхови постижения “Университети за Наука, Информатика и Технологии в е-обществото (УНИТе)” и ще участва в съвместно в Обучение за достъп и работа с Високопроизводителни изчислителни системи (HPC) На 12

Prof. Ana Proykova, Head of the HPC lab, is a member of International Advisory Committee of the EOSC-Nordic

The European Commission has awarded funding to the EOSC-Nordic project proposal {Call Topic: INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019 Type of action: RIA). The project was ranked #1 in the competition. EOSC-Nordic will form a part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative, and it is a collaborative project between 24 organisations in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia,

Nestum back online

As of now, Nestum is once again reachable and jobs can be submitted on all partitions. We apologise for the inconvenience, HPC Team

Planned power grid outage

Due to additional construction and hardware installation, the Laboratory complex at Sofia Tech Park will experience a power outage tomorrow (06.04.2019), between 8:30 and 17:30 EEST. Subsequently, Nestum will be unavailable for the duration of the power outage. The long.p partion in the workload manager has been set to DRAIN, so no new jobs can


Prof. Ana Proykova has been re-elected as the Chair of the Strategic Working Group on Data, Computing and Digital Infrastructure (ESFRI DIGIT WG) She will moderate two workshop sessions at the forthcoming meeting organized by the European Commission: WORKSHOP ON RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES AND EUROPEAN OPEN SCIENCE CLOUD Royal Geographical Society, London 30 January 2019, 09:15-18:00

Updated publications

The list of publications has been updated with new papers from the HPC team and collaborators. We are thankful for the acknowledgements to Nestum in the published articles.

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