
Nano 2017

Ivo Iliev gives the talk: High performance computing for nano-science and nano- technology (co-authors S. Pisov, A.Proykova) at the 19th International Conference Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: http://e-university.tu-sofia.bg/e-conf/index.php?r=262

Bulgaria officially joins EuroHPC

Today, 13.10.2017, Bulgaria will officially join the EuroHPC. You can find more information for the official event on the webpage of the Ministry of Education and Science (in Bulgarian) http://www.mon.bg/?go=events&p=detail&newsId=2780

HPC Lab announced via the Labs Explorer

HPC Lab is now registered in Labs Explorer. You can find us on the following link https://www.labsexplorer.com/lab/hpc-laboratory_104837

HPC Lab in Project GATE

The HPC-lab has been identified as a partner in the project GATE (Big Data for Smart Society , Project ID: 763566). The general objective of GATE is to establish Centre of Excellence on “Big Data for Smart Society – GATE” that will fulfill the vision of Open Innovation through building a sustainable University-Government-Industry-Society ecosystem. The

ESFRI sets up Strategy Working Group on Data, Computing and Digital Research Infrastructures ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, has announced that it has decided to proceed in establishing a Strategy Working Group on Data, Computing and Digital Research Infrastructures (SWG DIGIT) to deal with the evaluation of novel proposals with a dominant,

ESFRI sets up Strategy Working Group on Data, Computing and Digital Research Infrastructures

ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, has announced that it has decided to proceed in establishing a Strategy Working Group on Data, Computing and Digital Research Infrastructures (SWG DIGIT) to deal with the evaluation of novel proposals with a dominant, or substantial, digital research infrastructure character. This type of proposals has been proposed

Meeting with PhD’s

Tomorrow, 27.09, a group of PhD students will visit the lab. People from the following faculties have confirmed their visit: University of Ioannina, Department of Chemistry, Section of Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry; Faculty of Chemistry, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania; Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering, University Politehnica Timisoara, Romania; Химикотехнологичен и металургичен

Европейска нощ на учените

Лаборатория по високопроизводителни изчисления ще участва на тазгодишното издание на Европейската нощ на учените, 29-ти септември, като част от изложението на София Тех Парк. За повече информация, посетете офицалната страница във фейсбук или сайта на София Тех Парк Проф. дфн Ана Пройкова, заместник-председател на Научния комитет по възникващи и идентифицирани нови здравни рискове към Европейската

Ivo Iliev gave a short presentation about the lab at a Matchmaking event of the Bulgarian and Norwegian IT businesses, part of the NORWAY GRANTS 2014-2021 BG 10 GREEN INDUSTRY INNOVATION PROGRAMME.

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