
EuroCC2: “National/Supercomputing days/Dynamization sessions/equivalent”

“Do’s & Dont’s”  the 1st workshop: “National/Supercomputing days/Dynamization sessions/equivalent” Monday – March 11, 2024 at 10:00 AM CET  The concept is to share what worked or not, on various topics (approaches for boarding new users, customers journey, technical parts) when it comes to interact with industry and how to benefit from the lessons learned of the network.The first

EuroCC2 – NCC Austria Webinar on 6 March: LLMs for business

Date: 06 March 2024, 14:00 – 16:00 CETEuroCC2: The HPC lab team will participate in the webinar European AI Applications – Large Language Models for Business Webinar info & registration:https://events.vsc.ac.at/event/121/registrations/115/ Two speakers  will present business use cases, discuss the impact of AI for businesses and even show a LIVE DEMO – the CEO of hercules.ai will show

Quantum Computing: From Research to Industry

Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 11:00 – 13:00 (Sofia Time) Organized jointly by NCC France and NCC Netherlands, this webinar aims to introduce the technologies of Quantum Computing and present the challenges and perspectives. After an introduction, this webinar will address quantum gate-based computing, annealers, analog computing, and quantum simulation. French Ecosystem and the HQI program (France Hybrid

Online presentation of the projects by EUMaster4HPC students

16.02.2024.14:00 – 15:00 Online presentation of the projects completed by the EUMaster4HPC students in the field of HPC architectures. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://cern.zoom.us/j/66050500561?pwd=di9zQnhMVEw3NHlqY3hzNnp0TFhRQT09

New article published using HPC-lab resources

Dr. Ivan Hristov and Dr. Radoslava Hristova  have revisited the problem of Three-body periodic collisionless equal-mass free-fall orbits,using high-accuracy numerical methods and a high-performance computer (Nestum cluster, Sofia Tech Park, Bulgaria http://hpc-lab.sofiatech.bg/) and have  found that(1) 15,738 i.c.s corresponding to 12,409 distinct solutions with T ∗ < 80. We use morerestrictive condition on the periods

Thrace Engineering Group visit

13.02.202410:00 – 11:00 The Thrace Engineering Group representatives visited the HPC lab to discuss projects of mutual interest in the field of sensors design. Financing from an international research agency is discussed. The University of Sofia, Faculty of Physics will be a partner as well.

IQM technology meeting

9.02.2024   11:00 – 12:00 Online presentation of the IQM technology https://meetiqm.com/technology/ Dr. Jani Heikkinen, Prof. Ana Proykova and academician Nikolay Vitanov discussed  the European quantum computers and the technical requirements for building one in Sofia  for the needs of our users.

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