Talks at the NANO 2018 Conference

8.11.2018 Ralica Dimitrova presents “Proton-radiation induced vacancies in graphene” by R. Dimitrova and A. Proykova at the 20th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sofia 8-10.11.2018 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31075.60969 The presentation can be found here: 8.11.2018 Ana Proykova talk on “Magnetic moments in a graphene sheet with vacancies generated by proton-beam bombardment” by D. Dimova, […]

Lecture at the Karoll Foundation

7.11.2018: Ana Proykova (invited lecture at the Karoll Foundation): “Public funding of scientific research – how to choose? how to get it?” DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13603.71203

File server’s OS update

Update (26.10.2018, 16:22 EEST): The OS update of the file server has been completed. The workload manager queues are reinstated and you may now submit jobs again. Thank you for the consideration. Dear users, This Friday (26.10.18) we will be pushing an OS updated on Nestum’s file server. Due to the update, the machine will

Talk by Prof. Proykova

A talk titled: High performance Computing Laboratory at the Sofia Tech Park will be given by Prof. Ana Proykova at the event Industry and Digital transformation: Fears and Hopes to be held in the Incubator of the Sofia Tech, 19.10.2018, 9:00 – 16:00 You can find the presentation here:

Head of HPC Lab gives a talk at the 7th National Crystallographic Symposium

Seventh National Crystallographic Symposium with International Participation 3-5 October 2018 Sofia, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy   Title:”SIZE-DEPENDENT EMERGENCE OF CRYSTALINITY IN MOLECULAR CLUSTERS” Date: 4th of October 2018 Time: 11:30-12:10 Place: Auditorium Speaker: Prof. Ana Proykova, Head of HPC Lab The links provided point to the programme of the symposium and to the

Program of events for the 28th of September

Talk: Application of HPC facilities to Soft Matter Speaker: Dr. Sergio Madurga, Department of Material Science and Physical Chemistry, University of Barcelona within the project BG05M2OP001-1.001-0004/28.02.2018 (2018-20203) UNITe Location: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics – 2nd floor,Main Council Hall, 5 James Bourchier Blvd. Sofia-1164 Time: 13:30 Date:28.09.2018 HPC laboratory is an Associated Partner of the

Course on HPC

Talk on 5th of September 2018 Title: OS for parallel cluster – choices, application Speaker: Dr. Hristo Iliev Acknowledgment: Project “Parallel computations of complex systems and processes” funded by the R&D&I at the HPC laboratory, Sofia Tech Park You can download the slides from the presentation here.

Emergency shutdown

Due to an unexpected aggregate load, Nestum was switched offline this morning (around 10 AM local time). Although no data or job progress was lost, the machine will operate on reduced capacity until we are sure that the issue is resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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