Enhancing Long Term Sustainability and Opening Up RIs to Society and Industry Research Infrastructures beyond 2020 – sustainable and effective ecosystem for science and society

22 and 23 March 2018 Sofia Tech Park, Bulgaria http://risofia2018.eu/ The overall objective of the conference has been to, explore and discuss a concrete set of actions to foster sustainability and impact of European research infrastructures on industry, policy and society. The outcome of this high-level event helped to identify the priority actions, forming an […]

Talk given by head of HPC Lab

Ana Proykova, Risk assessment of nano/micro materials usage, Nano- and Micro Formulations: Bringing together Science, Authority, and Industry, Berlin, Germany

Power maintenance

Due to a scheduled maintenance of the power structure in the laboratory complex, Nestum will be offline on 27 and 28 of January between 9 am and 11 am. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Presentation given by head of HPC Lab

Ana Proykova, Impact of the e-infrastructures and SSH RI interactions, stay tuned to the future. an international conference on the impact of research infrastructures for social sciences and humanities, Bologna, Italy

Prof. Proykova presents the HPC lab at the GATE Workshop (attached is the program)

Nano 2017

Ivo Iliev gives the talk: High performance computing for nano-science and nano- technology (co-authors S. Pisov, A.Proykova) at the 19th International Conference Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: http://e-university.tu-sofia.bg/e-conf/index.php?r=262

Bulgaria officially joins EuroHPC

Today, 13.10.2017, Bulgaria will officially join the EuroHPC. You can find more information for the official event on the webpage of the Ministry of Education and Science (in Bulgarian) http://www.mon.bg/?go=events&p=detail&newsId=2780

HPC Lab announced via the Labs Explorer

HPC Lab is now registered in Labs Explorer. You can find us on the following link https://www.labsexplorer.com/lab/hpc-laboratory_104837

HPC Lab in Project GATE

The HPC-lab has been identified as a partner in the project GATE (Big Data for Smart Society , Project ID: 763566). The general objective of GATE is to establish Centre of Excellence on “Big Data for Smart Society – GATE” that will fulfill the vision of Open Innovation through building a sustainable University-Government-Industry-Society ecosystem. The

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