Nestum Maintenance

The maintenance has concluded. Access to the machine is restored.

Nestum Maintenance

Due to a reconfiguration of the system’s networking, the machine will be unavailable tomorrow, 24.08.2017 from 14:00 GMT+2 to 16:00 GMT+2. As of this evening (23.08) all nodes are set to a DRAIN state, meaning that existing jobs will run, but no new jobs can be started. Unfortunately, if the job does not terminate until

Magnetism of bilayer graphene with vacancies

Research held at the HPC lab in the Sofia Tech Park has demonstrated that vacancies in bilayer graphene can be used for controllable magnetization of the material. The results will be presented at the European Advanced Materials Congress (EAMC), which is a principal annual international conference in the field organised by International Association of Advanced

WRF course

Here is a pdf version of the material presented in the WRF seminar on 01.08.2017 (in Bulgarian).

Fujitsu and partners visit Nestum

On 26.07.17, Fujitsu and some of their partners hosted a seminar in Sofia Tech Park and paid a short visit to the HPC Lab as Nestum‘s computational nodes are Fujitsu machines. The guests were given a short lecture about the machine and were shown examples of simulations, illustrating the work that’s being done in the

Visit by CleanTech

On 18.07.2017, HPC Lab was visited by a group of CleanTech trainees, as a part of their tour of the Laboratory Complex. The guest were given a short overview of the mission and idea behind Nestum as well as a summary of the research conducted in the lab.

Visit by Director-General Robert-Jan Smits

Today, 26.07.2017, HPC Lab was visited by Robert-Jan Smits, Director-General of DG Research and Innovation (RTD) at the European Commission. Mr. Smits was shown a brief overview of the workload of the machine as well as a example of the scientific research that Nestum has been used for in the last few months.

Ден на отворените врати – месец май

По инициатива на Sofia Tech Park, последният петък от всеки месец е определен за “ден на отворените врати”. По предварително определения график, Лабораторията по Високопроизводителни Изчисления ще е отворена за посетители на 26.05.2017 между 13:00 и 16:00 часа. Канят се всички заинтересовани.

European HPC Summit Week

Тhe second edition of the European HPC Summit Week will take place in the Vertex Building of the North Campus of the Technical University of Catalonia in Barcelona , Spain ( Dr. Stoyan Pisov (HPC Lab), Prof. Krassen Stefanov, Prof. Sylvia Ilieva, Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva (FMI – SU) will attend the summit.

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