Research Projects

General Introduction

HPC = High Performance Computing is the application of “supercomputers” to computational problems that are either too large for standard computers or would take too long.
HPC clusters are characterized by many cores and processors, lots of memory, high-speed networking, and large data stores – all shared across many rack-mounted servers.

We work on optimization strategies to make the HPC cluster efficient.

Current Projects

  1. Продължаващата до 12.2023 ННП Е+ “Нисковъглеродна енергия за транспорта
    и бита“ със задача Разработване и характеризация на микропорести материали
    за захват и утилизация на СО2″
  2. ФНИ, съфинансиране на КОСТ акции “Динамика на малки молекули в
    ограничени пространства и под налягане”. КП-06-КОСТ/05 от 18/08/2021
  3. ФНИ, “Функционални свойства на нови адсорбенти за радиоактивни
    благородни газове и пътища за ефективен дизайн с компенсиране на
    температурната зависимост” КП-06-H58/9 от 22.11.2021. задача “Квантови
    симулации за оценка на адсорбционите способности на различни микропорести
    материали и повърхности с потенциал за детекция и захват на радон”
  4. HPC laboratory is an associated partner of the newly funded Centre of Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies: UNITe
    The HPC team and the supercomputer are involved in the project BG05M2OP001-1.001-0004-C01/28.02.2018 (2018-2023) funded by the operational program Science and Education for Smart Growth. We use the HPC cluster for calculations of unusual magnetic and electronic properties of carbon materials, studying peculiarities of crystal growth and climate change predictions
  5. The team of HPC-lab is part of EuroCC 2 and CASTIEL 2: Promoting HPC to boost digital skills, jobs and industrial competitiveness in Europe
  6. Team members of the HPC lab are involved in the EUMaster4HPC project: 

 Completed Projects

  1. Project № BG16RFOP002-1.005-127-C01 “Creation of a system for descriptive and forecast analysis” with beneficent “FTS Bulgaria” and partner “Research and Development and Innovation Consortium
    Main Goal: Increasing the competitiveness and innovation capacity of FTS Bulgaria via development of a system for descriptive and forecast analysis. Parallel calculations in complex systems and processes 07.2018-10.2018
  2. The HPC team has partnered with people from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”) for a new project concerning Big Data and analysis of structured and unstructured data, coming from experimental observations of complex systems such as graphene, for example. The main objective of the project is to optimize existing parallel algorithms for quantum calculations, utilizing the computation power of the lab’s supercomputer.
  3. H2020 Project 1.09.2017 – 1.09.2018 Teaming Phase 1The HPC Lab team is participating in the project Big Data for Smart Society funded by the European Commission Framework program HORIZON2020, the Topic: WIDESPREAD‐04‐2017. Call: H2020‐WIDESPREAD‐2016‐2017 (WIDESPREAD). Type of action: CSA Coordination and support action
  4. The main research objective is to advance the state‐of‐the‐art in the whole Big Data Value Chain, including development of advanced methods and tools for data collection from a variety of structured and unstructured sources, data consistency checking and cleaning, data aggregation and linking, data processing, modelling and analysis, data delivery by providing both accessibility and proper visualization. Following the challenges of Horizon 2020 and the Bulgarian Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization 2014‐2020, the project team selected the most promising data-driven innovation pillars: data-driven government (public services based on open data); data-driven industry (manufacturing and production); data-driven society (smart cities); and data-driven science.

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