26.11.2019 9:00 am Place: Faculty of Physics, building A, room 25a
Master course Modeling of physical processes second intensive day (6 lecturing hours + 3 exercises – parallel computations) begins
28.11.2019 14:00 Place: Albert Borschette Conference Centre, Brussels, Belgium
Talk Artificial Intelligence – a new approach in Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Biotechnology
Speaker: Prof. Ana Proykova at the 30th NMBP PC meeting on Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing
10 and 11 December 2019, Hall 6, National Palace of Culture Sofia, Bulgaria http://futuris2019.com/
Research Infrastructures of the Future – synergies, sustainability, smart specialization and social impact
The registration is open until 2.12.2019 https://registration.futuris2019.com/